Liquid Love Switzerland – Joining a Session

Info for First-Timers & Questions
Deutsche Version

Do you have questions?

... before you've registered?
Please note that in favor of taking time for the personal Welcome Phone Calls we don't answer any questions by email. We ask you to read the Event Info Page of the event you would like to attend and then fill the Registration Form. We have an awesome Registration form for you! It is self-explanatory and specifically made so it will answer your questions as-you-fill-the-form. Alternatively we ask you to talk to the person who referred you to Liquid Love Switzerland.

....about the Session?
Once you and your registration partner have filled the Registration Form, you will receive information on how to book a Welcome Phone Call. In the Welcome Phone Call you can ask any and all questions you may have with regards to the Session.

Registration Process Liquid Love Switzerland

Buddy System
Liquid Love Switzerland uses a Buddy System. As such we ask you to register, pay and come together with a friend. This is your 'Buddy' or we also call them your 'Registration Partner'. Your Registration Partner does not have to be your partner or lover, however it should be someone you know, trust and like so that we can have an intimate and safe atmosphere.

There is one registration per Person. Once both you and your registration partner have filled a full registration, you will receive information on how to book a Welcome Phone Call. You can Register Here.

Welcome Phone Call
You and your Rergistration Partner both are required to have a Welcome Phone Call each. In the Welcome Phone Call we get to know you and you get to know our values and how the Session are run. You can ask any and all questions you may have with regards to the Session. As we have limited capacity, Welcome Phone Calls are by invitation.

Invitation to Session
If in the Welcome Phone Call we find it's a match for everyone and it fits the group constellation, you will receive an invitation to the Session/link to purchase your ticket online.

Purchasing the Ticket
Once you and your registration partner get the invitation and you decide you want to and are able to attend the Session, you can purchase the ticket online. There is 1 ticket for 2 people. Tickets are non-refundable and non-transferrable.

Attending the Session
To be able to attend the Session, both registration partners must come to the event.

Looking forward to having you aboard one of our Sessions soon!
for the Liquid Love Switzerland Team

Liquid Love Switzerland – Teilnahme an einer Session

Info für neue Teilnehmer und Fragen

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